Greenhouse Glazing

Clear glass greenhouse glazing

Twin Wall Polycarbonate roof
Greenhouse glazing refers to the material that covers the frame and includes the glass roof and windows for the greenhouse. The standard greenhouse glazing used in Sturdi-Built greenhouses is window strength glass. Wherever possible we use single lites of glass. However, very tall side walls and end walls have lapped glass. A lap in tall glass lites provides a relief point to help safeguard the greenhouse during instances of light impact and small weather events.
We prefer the clear beauty of glass, but alternative glazing products are available when you order a greenhouse with us, including double-strength glass, tempered glass, and twin wall polycarbonate (which is translucent).
When you’re searching for the right greenhouse glazing, factory insulated windows are not recommended. They tend to quickly fail when used as a glazing, due to the expansion and contraction of greenhouses. As an alternative for greenhouses, we have developed our exclusive Thermal Option which is a second, interior layer of either window clear acrylic or twin-wall polyethylene. Check out our options page for information about our double glazing Thermal Option system, or contact us today to learn more about our greenhouse glazing options.